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List of terms and definitions related to DS2

DS2 glossary will help our readers understand unfamiliar or technical words that are used in a text.

Glossary and Abbreviations

ADRA - AI Data and Robotics Ecosystem

AgIN - Agricultural Interoperability Network

AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIoTI - Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation

AI4EU - AI on Demand (Horizon Europe Project)

ALTAI - Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

API - Application Programming Interface

AWS - Amazon Web Services

BDVA - Big Data Value Association

BoP - Board of Partners

CA - Consortium Agreement

CADDE - Connector Architecture for Decentralized Data Exchange

CDD - Communication and Dissemination Database

CDE - Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation

CEDAR - Horizon Europe Project

CEN / CENELEC - The European Committee for Standardization

CIAM - Customer Identity and Access Management 

CO - Coordinator

CyclOps - Horizon Europe Project

DAPS - Dynamic Attribute Provisioning Service

DB - Database

DCAT - Data Catalog Vocabulary

DGA - Data Governance Act

DLC - Data Link Connector

DRM - Digital Asset Rights Management

DoA - Description of Action

DMP - Data Management Plan

DNSH - Do No Significant Harm

DSIL - Data Space Innovation Lab

DSSC - Data Spaces Support Centre

EAB - External Advisory Board

EC - European Commission

EBDVF - European Big Data Value Forum

EDC - Eclipse Dataspace Components

EGI - European Grid Infrastructure

EO - Exploitable Outcomes

EOSC - European Open Science Cloud Association

EU - European Union

EX - Executive Team

FAIR - Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability

FIWARE - Framework of Open Source Platform Components

GA - Grant Agreement

Gaia-X - Federated and Secure Data Infrastructure

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

ICT - Information and Communication Technology

IDT - Intersector Data Space Toolkit

IDSA - International Data Space Association

IMDA - Infocomm Media Development Authority 

IPR - Intellectual Property Right

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

KER - Key Exploitable Result

KPI - Key Performance Indicator

LLM - Large Language Model

NESSI - The European Association Promoting Research, Development & Innovation in Software, Data and Digital Services

NOUS - Horizon Europe Project

OASC - Open and Agile Smart Cities

ODRL - Open Digital Rights Language

OPS - Operations Team

PLIADES - Horizon Europe Project

SCSN - Smart Connected Supplier Network

SDO - Standard Development Organisation

SME - Small and Medium Enterprise

SSM - System Security Modeller Toolkit

T - Task

TRL - Technology Readiness Level

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

UVP - Unique Value Proposition

VAS - Value Added Services

WP - Work Package

WPL - Work Package Leader

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