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Laura Gavrilut

DS2 Consortium Joins Forces with Esteemed External Advisory Board for Advancing State-of-the-art in Data Spaces

External Advisory Board, Online Meeting

The DS2 project is a multidisciplinary initiative that brings together researchers and practitioners from various fields to ensure that complex data sharing, aggregation, and provenance lifecycles are implemented in a human-centric and reliable manner. The project provides a modular software platform that connects data sources, enabling the implementation of efficient and complex data lifecycles. This is achieved through the Intersector DataSpace Toolkit (IDT), which is installed at each data source and connected to the network. 

First External Advisory Board Meeting 

In DS2, the External Advisory Board (EAB) members collaborate with the consortium by discussing and participating in the evaluation of the project outline, directions, and consistency with the overall European data interoperability landscape. Members also evaluate the feasibility and impact of the project exploitation and support the results sharing through their network of professionals.  

The first EAB meeting was held online on November 11, 2024. The goal of the meeting was to introduce the DS2 project to the EAB members and hear their opinion on what was achieved so far in the project. The meeting included presentations by Juha-Pekka Soininen (Project coordinator, VTT) and Stuart Campbell (Technical manager, ICE) on the project's main idea and technical approach, followed by discussions on emerging standards for data spaces, the future of data spaces, current projects, and open-source development. EAB members, including Daniel Alonso (BDVA), Edward Curry (Insight), Anil Turkmayali (IDSA), and Michael Plagge (Eclipse), provided valuable insights and feedback to improve the project. 

During the meeting, several key points were raised. One of the points highlighted was the importance of inter data space interoperability and cross-sectorial data sharing. Concerns were also expressed about the fragmentation in different data space projects and the dominance of certain market players. It would be valuable to create sustainable solutions that are usable and scalable after the project end. The challenge of connecting with governance and authorities was discussed, with a focus on the importance of a step-by-step approach. This is a broader challenge and cannot be solved in one project, but something that should be solved in the future. Furthermore, the significance of organizational and legal tools and models for project sustainability was underscored. In DS2, we are covering the topic of legal frameworks and contracts, and aiming to bring some novel solutions and guidelines related to that.  

Future Plans and Collaboration 

The DS2 consortium is eager to continue its collaboration with the EAB, recognising the invaluable insights and feedback provided by its members. Regular meetings and active participation in consortium activities will be maintained to ensure that the project remains aligned with the latest developments and best practices in the field. 

The DS2 consortium greatly values the collaboration with the EAB and appreciates the expertise and guidance that its members bring to the project. This partnership is seen as a crucial element in achieving the project's goals and ensuring its long-term impact. 

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